Is this bootable Lion image something that you can use as an emergency repair disk by adding things like DiskWarrior and TechTools Pro (when they are lion certified)? Or is this bootable image only capable of booting and installing Lion?
Mac OS X Lion Retail Bootable .iso
My DVD burner on the Win7 office PC is non-functional, so when I downloaded a Linux .iso to burn, I turned to my Macbook Pro. Simple... insert DVD, Disk Utility, choose the .iso and burn. It worked ... but not the way I planned. Instead of a bootable disk, I got a perfect copy of the .iso ! What was wrong? I'm posting this in hopes of helping the next guy avoid the 2 hrs. of search through forums everywhere to find the right answer.
I was following your post, unfortunately my disk is still not bootable :/ .cdr, .iso , or even a disk with all files unpacked won't automatically boot, when I need it. Now I am stuck with an empty hard drive, still searching for solution.
Now you already have the .iso image, with which you will make the LiveUSB. Several tools and answers exist to help you create bootable USB drives, some are specific to PC/MBR booting (Bootcamp) where Macs and newer PCs since Windows 8 require/support UEFI booting.